Extreme Online Store | Tesla Model 3 Performance Side Skirts Installed by @SHABZILLA

In this YouTube video, the content creator, known as @SHABZILLA, installs side skirts on their Tesla Model 3 to enhance its exterior appearance. They discuss the affordability and quality of the side skirts from extremeonlinestore.com, highlighting their glossy black finish and one-piece design. The installation process involves screws and optional double-sided tape to secure the skirts to the car's body. The video emphasizes that when combined with a front splitter and rear diffuser, these modifications significantly enhance the Tesla Model 3's aesthetics, making it look more aggressive.

  • 💰 Affordable side skirts with a glossy black finish are installed on a Tesla Model 3.
  • 🚗 Side skirts, along with a front splitter and rear diffuser, complete the car's aggressive look.
  • 🔩 Installation involves screws and optional double-sided tape.
  • 🌟 The side skirts are from extremeonlinestore.com and have a one-piece design.
  • 🤔 Some imperfections in the side skirt's finish but not very noticeable.
  • 🙌 Installation requires multiple screws but significantly enhances the vehicle's appearance.