Ford Mustang GT500 Conversion Rear Spoiler High Wing Extreme Online Store ft. @lifeoftreysempire2661

The video showcases the installation of a GT500 conversion rear spoiler from Extreme Online Store on a 2016 Mustang EcoBoost@lifeoftreysempire2661 expresses excitement about the product, regrets not knowing about the store earlier, and recommends checking it out for car parts with fast shipping. Unboxing and assembly of the GT500 spoiler hardware are highlighted, emphasizing its size. The assembly process is briefly discussed. The video progresses to the installation process, showing the spoiler on the Mustang and discussing its aggressive appearance compared to the original one. @lifeoftreysempire2661 and his friend discuss the installation process, mentioning the use of specific brackets to line up holes. They highlight the superior look of the GT500 spoiler. Towards the end, the installed GT500 spoiler is showcased, and the presenter expresses satisfaction. Mention of receiving another part for a separate video is made, encouraging viewers to subscribe for updates.